FP is a mere little baby feminist ally. He still has a lot to learn. The testosterone from his teeny man brain often clouds his judgment. Go easy on him.
You are fired from Jezebel. Get out.
I’ve read this story 3 different times and I still don’t understand what is going on.
No prob. I have been described by many as a life saver. It happens.
“all about letting go of your insecurities and embracing your true self on the dance floor.”
Dude seemed down right jaunty.
Nobody gets Mark’s humor anymore...
Since the Ariana Grande is an Actual Baby thing happened so well can we start truthing Kayne West is perpetually tantrum-throwing toddler?
This comment seems eerily familiar to me...
Probably daily.
Your friend sucks.
So a poll then, if you will. How many here actually believe that Cosby will be successfully convicted of any if ever?
Trump hasn’tt (publicly) used the n-word yet? Huh. Go figure.
Purchasing right now.
She was the only bad part a near perfect movie. COME AT ME.