You are a hero. And samsies on everything you just said.
You are a hero. And samsies on everything you just said.
Different people respond to different drugs in different ways. Weed makes me opposite of creative. And I have never gotten a hangover from booze. You do you and I’ll do me.
I am aware of this. I even put it in my original comment. I know that everyone responds differently to different drugs. Some people get great high and have a lot of fun smoking weed. But the thing is that a lot of other people DONT. That’s all I am saying.
Its too late, Bot. We’ll never be able to like her again! She has been taken by the creepy pedophilic powers that be! We’ll never get her back.
She’s his new muse dude. Its totally fucking creepy. She’s his new Mia Farrow.
Congrats! That’s awesome.
I agree completely
The biggest question that I have with his hair is not how but why. Why? Why would he style his hair like that? Why is he still styling his hair like that? Why hasn’t anyone at any point in time come along to point out that that is not an appropriate way in which to style your hair? WHY HAS NO ONE PUT AN END TO THIS?
Its entire culture is so boring to me. Getting high itself is just cotton mouth and paranoia. I understand that its SUPER AWESOME MAN to a lot of people, but I would rather just get drunk.
As a 20 year old with pothead parents I would like to attest to this. I have never and probably will never think that pot is cool.
I’m staying in rural Minnesota currently and matinée movie tickets are $8 out here.
I have no idea what this is or what its referencing but it is beautiful and hilarious.
What the mother fuck is that shit?
Khakis and pastel button downs????
I think that’s just cause he has social anxiety and OCD and the media often likes to equate mental illness with genius for some odd reason.
I hate David Foster Wallace. Almost as much as I hate how every WASPy 20-something hipster guy I know tries to convince me that hes a genius.
Eh. I see what your trying to say, but as someone who also suffers from crippling social anxiety, I would never compare my everyday brain struggles to fucking genocide. What Jesse said really doesn’t piss me off that much, its more a shrug situation to me. But its still just not OK.
I wish I had twitter just so I could follow adultosaur. My life has no meaning.