

If I have learned anything about reading tabloids its that you should NEVER believe them regarding anything to do with pregnancies/babies/whats going on inside of a celebrities uterus. Just think about how many times poor fucking Jennifer Aniston has been “TOTALLY PREGNANT OMG” according to the rags. Like probably

God I hate his face.

Ohmigawd. He has like an entire collection of hyper-stereotypical bad tattoos. All he needs is a tribal tattoo on his other arm and a butterfly on his ankle. Maybe one of those basic bitch infinity symbols behind his ear too.

Well then its really interesting that she chooses to self-identify as black. I’d say she’s very brave even.

You are a goddess. Marry me.

Welcome to the club sweetie. I try to be a good feminist most of the time, but I honestly just don’t have the patience for most political correctness anymore. I mean, I'm a rage-filled ugly-ass mixed chick! Ima call white bitches out on their whiteness all I want.

Ugh. I clicked on that link to her blog and holy cow, batman. Its like a parody of a basic white girl blog. So skinny. So blonde. So vanilla. The basic-ness is so strong. The whiteness is stronger still.


Big boobs are only cool if you just get look at them. Owning them is hella overrated. Itty bitty titties for the win.

Double stufs or GTFO. Anyone who buys regular oreos is a lesser human being.

I would call them to talk about feminism. And punk rock and my dog. And probably my insomnia.

This is why I can’t date people. I feel like nothing that any guy says on date is worth me listening to. Why do most conversations bore me so much? What is wrong with me?

I don't know what this is or what its from, but I do know that it will be in my nightmares tonight. You suck.


Ugh. Reminds me why I hate/hated college.

No prob, boo. Happy Hour it up. <3

I know. 6 other commenters already pointed out that I had forgotten about that.

I know. 5 other commenters before you already pointed out that I had forgotten that.