
I'm sorry I offended you so much, but I really don't feel it's necessary to be so hurtful and condescending to me. I'm unfamiliar with the term "white feminism" and I jumped to conclusions. I apparently have a lot of research to do. Lilly sent me a link to a blogpost explaining it so I'm gonna start there and work my

This is so confusing, Lilly. >_<

Someone had posted on some other article and made a comment about how Amber was white and like the idiot I am I took their word for it instead of looking it up. In the same way that everyone thinks Rita Ora is biracial when in fact she’s not.

My bad. I didn’t do my research. She does have some Cape Verdean in her. But regardless.

Ah. My bad. It appears I was previously given false information. It turns out she is not ~completely~ white. A quick Wikipedia search determined that Amber Rose does has an indeterminate amount of Cape Verdean heritage on her mother's side amongst her main lineage of Scottish, Irish, and Italian.

How is this a race issue? Amber Rose is white.

Bewbs are so passe. Its all about dat ass.

She has a butt. She’s famous for butt. Because butt.

Yes that.

Very ragey. I mean, I know shes coming from a good place and that she means well, but... just... girl, no. Just no.

Editing to include that. Cheers to you.

Why feminism?

It’s 4:30 where I am at, I’ll have you know!

Its cause of all the Latinos/Latinas such as myself. Lots of Mexican immigrants out here.

Oh hells no. That's just creepy.

Should be. We don't tolerate jokesters in these here parts


aw shucks. ;) ;) ;)

As a WOC residing in CA- I am aware of this, thanks.

Most people are white.