I can't seem to find that app on the Play Store from the link on their site, has it been removed?
I can't seem to find that app on the Play Store from the link on their site, has it been removed?
Please tell me where you found this and where I can find more gifs of mascots being tackled.
The one thing I like about the Facebook app is how it syncs contact photos and info to my phone. I would be missing that if I did switch to using the browser for Facebook.
Darn. Foiled again.
Question... you can purchase this for 1 computer for $20. What if you purchase the single license, then install it in your Dropbox folder to be able to access and run it from your other computer?
I might just do that now that I have a spare 2.2+ Android phone to use at home, thanks to an upgrade.
Can anyone recommend a way to stop clothes' colors from fading due to the dryer? Aside from not using the dryer?
I shave with a safety razor, but I second having an electric in the glovebox of your car. RIP the one I had— someone broke in and stole it, with some other more sentimental things. </3
I stand by safety razors as well as The Art of Manliness. I have one tip to add to this, though.
Well said, and good examples. Thanks for elaborating, that cleared it up for me.
What would be a good alternative to saying "you're so smart!" ?
As of now, what's the usual amount of space that most people get in an SSD? And how much do they generally cost for this amount?
I think that's the best idea to do. What I did was set up the OpenVPN configuration on a tomato router at my house, so if I need to do some downloads, I hop on to that router and do them. For all other Internet needs I stay on the primary router.
Anyone here with programming experience- have you taken an Operating Systems class? If so, would you happen to have any notes, examples etc. from your class? I'm going to be taking one this quarter and we need to develop our own operating systems for the final project.
I posted this in a reply to a different response to your post, but wanted to post it to you directly as well. Please excuse the copypasta.
According to PrivateInternetAccess's support forum about their proxy, "SOCKS5 does not have encryption built into the protocol. As such, this should only be used if you need to mask your IP but do not need encryption."
I store punch cards, discount cards, theater gift cards etc. in a binder clip in my car. In the rare case that I need them, I'll just go get them from my car or remember to bring them beforehand.
For me, what worked best on a laptop was OneNote. It's a fantastic program in full-form.
Yeah, I use(d) Skitch to take notes to sync with Evernote, before it started crashing and losing my data. Skitch doesn't seem to integrate with any other note taking apps though.
Someone please recommend to me a better alternative to Evernote. I'm dissatisfied with it and am looking for another note taking app for my Android tablet, that also supports drawing in notes. Hopefully online sync too, but that's not my priority.