Steve H.

@Platypus Man: I like wired better because using the camera saps the battery a lot. If it's plugged in, you have a charger set up from the start. And, you can use it with Skype, Google Talk, Stickam, Chatroulette, everything you need a webcam for...

Please, Gingerbread, come to the G1... Please come to the G1...

@4lex: How can this help you bypass a wifi network security that requires a login?

@hankkb8: Ew, Walmart? Have a little class.

I like the idea better of using your phone as a wired webcam...

@Kamatari +: +1 I would also love a Lifehacker app for Android.

@zrag: Sweet, yes I think that is the thing. Thanks!

@Skeetz: Funny, I did that the other day while avoiding sprinkler spray (ran faster) :P

@trashcanpatrol: I should specify: I know you can just block them, but they would notice for sure. I'm looking for a way to not appear online to them in Chat, but to still appear online to other people (and stay added as Friends to each other).

Quick question - is there a way to allow (or more specifically, disallow) certain people from seeing you as Online in Facebook chat?

Psh. All of our mothers are moms, but they don't all order baby stuff. This is clearly biased to moms with infants. The name is rather misleading.

Sup doods.

Do I spy a Hackintosh'd HP Pavilion there?

I'm debating on whether to try this on my G1. I'd like to see some figures of memory usage, because my G1 is slow enough as it is...

Double rainbow!

@ddhboy: I don't have Cable nor satellite myself but I'm in America. I'm guessing in order to run a connection through the satellite cablebox I would need to be signed up already, right?

This concept is really new to me. Do you not have to pay any monthly fee if you buy and install a TV tuner on your computer?

Sounds a bit stalker-ish if you ask them how to spell their name, when you first meet them.

@cadenlaguna: For some reason it said "store closed" for one of my email accounts, then when I used another one, it worked. O_o