@Grewal: I prefer not to waste my bandwidth being a cash cow. Sorry.
@Grewal: I prefer not to waste my bandwidth being a cash cow. Sorry.
@gertpete: Actually, I guess it's in the market too - look up Transparent Clock in Market. Apparently it doesn't open Alarm properly though.
@gertpete: Transparent Clock, it's a custom Metamorph (though I despise Metamorph and the way Stericson has changed it)
@Grewal: Ah yes, now I remember that one.
@Grewal: Do you mean BUUF?
@Creegan: If I ever use mine, it's just to keep prying fingers and eyes away from my Twitter and Facebook.
@Maximillian: True. The way to truly "break into" the phone, then, is to use social engineering... text them or something, just get them to unlock their phone with fresh fingerprints, then have a go at it. :P
@DarkJule: Wow, I thought I was the only one who still used a G1 nowadays. Lol
Lol, was this not already obvious? Any touch-screen phone is easy to "break into" if you can see the owner's fingerprints from the last time they unlocked it.
@Lazzzara: They need a Lifehacker app/widget. I've been wishing for that forever now!
@Whitson Gordon: I think it's improved a ton over a short amount of time... I use it on my G1 even, and I'm sure you know the G1 is SLOW! and needs any extra resources it can get. But ADW works fine on that.
Just jumping on the bandwagon and uploading a screenshot. This is with ADW Launcher.
@Lazzzara: What icon pack is that?
I tried LauncherPro. I found it was lacking a lot of features that are built-in to ADW Launcher by default. Needless to say I stuck with ADW.
@pjfranke: Yes! That too. Brilliant design on Microsoft's part. Kudos to them for this.
That mouse in the first article is wonderful.
@McGoogles: I second that. I wish they would have made the menus as transparent as the pane they're on, instead of that hideous Windows-98-esque grey.
@Fuji-kun: Because you can unlock an iPhone with a software workaround.
@jsheely: FYL.
@battra92: +1, my thoughts exactly