John Walker

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.


“Alternate universe”= A 26 year-old black girl whose parents listened to Motown and not the Rolling Stones.

“Who is Alanis?”

It’s like waiting in line for nothing, inside of a bathroom with a strobe light.

Thanks (as usual) for this insight.

Sure! If you don’t like pooping.

I’m sure she’s a fine young actor but damn, hire some *actual* trans actors, Hollywood. Fuck.

Or, OR, they could have cast an actual trans person.

Oh hooray. The first Stonewall movie is about a fictional white gay male. This erases the BLACK trans woman who actually was the first to throw something (Marsha P. Johnson, if you’re wondering). It erases all the dykes who were being raped and arrested and who fought on the front lines of basically every important

so, this movie is about white gay boys? really? did they do any research at all? get the fuck out.

The fact that this movie has not a single black or latino lead is a sick joke, basically.

This film is white-washed all to hell.

“What’s a magazine?” — The children

Always been happening. Just now hearing about in a national news media setting.

I have no evidence for this, but I suspect it’s the former - going on for years and now is getting more attention.