
More likely he got tired of monogamy.

That was my first thought. Hell, my husband and I have been together longer than those two, but I have told him that if he became a trump supporter I would leave him (not that there was a question, but I do feel that strongly).

Or his next costar.

“Due to forced perspective in this picture Jack looks much bigger than Anna”

They’ve both become less and less likable and more annoying and insufferable. First, it was the dog story then Chris complaining about white men being underrepresented in movies. Plus, his stock is rising while her career is cooling off. Those types of shift in fortunes has got to cause problems in a marriage.

So I have this pet theory that one day in the nit too distant future, Chris Pratt is going to be widely loathed. I don’t have much evidence of this, but here’s what I think: I think his politics lean sharply to the right and he has a tendency to say dumb things. One day he’s going to say the wrong dumb thing and

Oh Man, I had a feeling they were next...but have you seen the respective announcements? Hers says ‘we still love each other’ and his says ‘we still have love for each other’. Kind of tells its own story :(

I’m going to reserve judgement until I see pictures of the nanny.

I know the type. It’s exhausting. I strongly try to remember to never give advice (or even my opinion) in such situations because it would just end up blowing up into my face. “You were wrong about him! He’s the greatest! Well, I might have called him irresponsible and selfish and a bad partner, too, but that’s

generally accepted as one of Hollywood’s most adorable couples

So in my “real life” I have seen a lot of couples separate, then get back together, then fight publicly, then get back together, then fight privately... ad nauseum. Not that it means much, but they all have posted lots of happy looking Instagram photos, etc., whenever they’re having a Together Moment.*

I always thought they’d work out because they seem like the exact same type of asshole (which is fine, so are my partner and I) but I can see how one person getting more famous exacerbates that.

Don’t forget to redistribute their wealth upon entry to Wellness Camp.

“The wellness thing is big,” he told the Times. “We’re calling it ‘the new luxury.’ It used to be about fur and leather. But people just want to feel better.”

A group of police officers on trial for misuse of a helicopter camera to spy on naked people have been cleared. Another officer, who was in charge of the camera on the helicopter in question, plead guilty earlier on in the case. No word on yet this will be turned into a Carry On film

UK Update:

Damn, you can’t view the content unless you are logged in! I wonder what riveting content she posts...

I don’t know about that - I’ve read many articles about her co-stars and producers (I think Tina Fey in particular) who tried to guide her to a better place. I do think she had mentors wanting to help, had she chosen to follow their guidance. But addiction is hard to shake, as even us regular people know too well.

I’m not sure why, because you make perfect sense, but it made me cackle for a full minute.