
I miss having a President.

Politico has a full transcript of a Trump interview with the WSJ. Lots of nuggets of shite in this one:

Good read. Thanks for sharing. I don’t do Facebook for the exact reasons mentioned in the article, but I do try to keep in mind that a fair few of the people on the other end of the political spectrum are there because that’s all they’ve ever been exposed to. The bubble is real, and things that seem obvious to me may

I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters — two beautiful, intelligent, black young women — playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.” Michelle Obama, July 2016

Reading Obama’s and Trump’s descriptions of the white house is like comparing a $150 steak dinner to Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. And not even the fun spiral shaped macaroni. The little fucking elbows shapes. Fuck those elbows, and fuck Trump.

And that’s probably the worst he ever looked on a golf course:

Not enough fake gold plating everywhere apparently.

I know!!! Fine to say if you’re a civilian on a tour and you’re like, “this looks like a dated Hilton.” but 45, that’s your seat of power and lol have you even seen your hotels and condos? Have you?!!!

This is why evil Keebler elf Jeff Sessions refuses to resign despite Trumplestiltskin talking shit about him. He’s got an agenda, and he won’t be drummed out of DC until he sees it through.

Your tragic gallery of oppressed, male whities is missing this one.

So would that also mean that thoroughly unqualified “legacy admissions” will be illegal? Several come immediately to mind...

1. When posting XKCD, alternate text is a must: “I can’t remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you’re saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it’s not literally illegal to express.”

Using this as a prebuttal for the for the inevitable “but but but, I thought that the 1st Amendment protected this!!!” comments.

I’ll go ahead and head this off now: No, this doesn’t violate the first amendment or free speech. YouTube isn’t the government and can do whatever the hell they want.

And I think Sean Connery passed on Morpheus for the same reason.

“Sting would spend the remainder of his days searching for another audition with the sole requirement of having your own metal codpiece and sadly, that day never came. He and his codpiece returned to music, where he enjoyed some minor success.”

perhaps, but i have seen interviews since where he admits that has no regrets passing on that role because he feels he wasn’t right for it, and keanu was.

Eh, I hear it was because he already had his own metal codpiece.

I remember seeing this feature, and it made me admire Mads even more than I do. He practically walked because he knew he wasn’t going to be a good fit for the role. How many actors/actresses would walk away from a payday because they knew they weren’t a good fit for it? I wonder.

Arm stretching. I here that’s what landed Sting the role of Feyd.