
I think this is the most awesome picture in the history of photography. If you put everyone in this picture in a barrel and rolled the barrel downhill, there’d always be a vicious dunce on top. (By the way, does Omarosa really have business cards that say, “The Honorable Omarosa”? Please tell me that’s true.) My

Olenna may have thought it was a cruel barb but I think it will come as a great relief to Jamie that he didn’t release his son’s murderer (Tyrion, as Cersei believes).

I’m all for the more efficient pace, but I felt this is one instance where they could have made 2 episodes instead of one. A little too much happened all at once, between the Fast Travel (press X to open your map) except for Bran, two major attacks completed under Narration, and Dany’s sudden change of heart, a little

I dunno. When Jon told her he was leaving her in charge of Winterfell and the North, she did glance over at Littlefinger, who looked thrilled by this new development.

“Her glamorous power grabs include long term food stores and discussing armor insulation.”

Sansa looks like she wants to have Sam do that skin peeling shit after Littlefinger breathes on her. She seems to have a crew of cockblockers tailing her as she moves through her castle so he can only say 3 to 4 sentences to before being interrupted.

Ha! I just couldn’t help but think, Ice and Fire already met and had a baby named Pouty McPouterson.

I kept thinking that in a fair world Diana Rigg would’ve been cast as Daenerys, and they’d work some CGI magic to make her younger. She’s just the greatest.

Agreed on all of the above.

Also, Dany loses her last allies because she’s constantly high on the smell of her own farts. “WHY ARE YOU NOT CALLING ME QUEEN RIGHT NOW WHAT IS THIS SHIT. I AM THE QUEEN. DID I NOT SAY THAT YET BECAUSE I AM. QUEEN.”

I don’t trust these writers for a second with sexual assault, but I do think the idea with Bran was not to show her how powerful he is, but to show us how confused and inhuman he’s becoming as he gets overwhelmed with all the information he has. He see’s whatever is shaping the people in front of him, not their

I don’t think she’s going to be humbled so much as she’s about to unleash the dragons and probably lose one.

Honestly, the best thing about Dany losing the Tyrells is that it potentially shitcans the whole “they won’t accept foreign invaders!” bullshit.

Couldn’t have talked about literally any event that happened there he couldn’t have known about.

Jon and Dany are definitely going to bang but I saw the opposite of chemistry there. Like they seemed bored to be there.

Well, on a good note they added comedy to episode.

“Even when you thought you were alone - you weren’t alone. But now that you’re here with family and you’re not alone - we’re all weird as fuck and you’re kind of alone.”

Even without the shitty undercurrents of, “Oh hey, raped in the name of politics,” there was a lot of crummy subtext there. I know she’s going to

I didn’t get the impression that the sacking of the Reach was Cersei’s plan, rather Jaime’s (He said during his monologue to Olenna that he got the idea from his defeat to Robb Stark).

I think all the military stuff is being handled by Jaime who is a seasoned commander along with the Tarly’s.

Best Idea ever, Take notice Hollywood.