
I work in a profession with a lot of paperwork and reports on assessment results. There is no greater feeling than going into a meeting having highlighted every instance disproving what you know someone is going to question/argue with you about.

Now playing

I’m sorry, someone else already has the market on sci-fi music tie-ins cornered:

ah, but that pic is pre-partum. Ice chips are all you can have to eat or drink during labor at a western hospital, due to the remote possibility that you’ll need surgery (no food prior to surgery).

He’s 19?! Oy.

At least the mom isn’t named Gravity (for another 25 years or so?)

I am very happy to have an update on them.

The problem with YA movies is that teens and preteens don’t go to movies the way they used to, so, if you don’t have a lot of adults who are also reading the books, there isn’t the movie audience that’s needed. There were a lot of Twimoms who went to the movies. The Hunger Games and Harry Potter have a lot of adult

I didn’t hate it (the song, the music video I hated). But I was in no way interested by it at all. It just seemed off and I hope this was her only attempt.

What kind of weird teen relationships did he have? Did he grow up surrounded by strict religious people punishing his every move? What the hell...

Cara Delevingne is a singer now.

She is the British Anson Elk...what’s his freakin name? *Google* Oh, finally, Ansel Elgort.

Is it wrong I could watch that GIF for hours?

“The producers then handed Pattinson a copy of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilightthat was highlighted at every passage where Edward smiled. Pattinson’s response? He sent the book back with added highlights (in a different color) of every one of Edward’s scowls.”

Yeah makes me sad for Dean because he’s a phenomenal actor and if they had cast a better actress in the role I think more people would have gone to see this movie. Instead they got a model and Rihanna.

I think Besson was trying to get another Milla because she was a model first but you can’t cast on looks alone.

“If you’re going into a relationship with someone, the way to make it really intense is if like you can barely talk to each other, you can barely touch each other, it’s incredibly serious all the time, it’s kind of what teenage relationships are,”

I’m kinda astounded that someone can cry and yet still look completely expressionless like that.

Cara Delevingne is a singer now.

He just wanted to have some fun and he is Sir Patrick Steward and if he wants to play poopjy, NUMBER 2, MAKE IT SO!!!!

I think TJ Miller thinks TJ Miller is above having regrets so I’m not sure about that.

Btrax and Fenox sound like constipation drugs they run commercials for on grandad’s nightly news. “Side effects reported include itchy watery eyes, droopy balls and terminal bro-ness.”