
I’ll join in.

Mary, school nurse in Indiana: Caught her breast cancer early because she could afford to get regular mammograms

Those ships were heading to Dorne and then to King’s Landing. Grey Worm is heading to Casterly Rock. He’s traveling by land, I believe.

It highlights how Jon and Sansa are understandably playing two completely different games.

The whip and spear were so so dumb - but I liked it for that very reason. The Sand Snakes were terrible. I really wanted them to be badass, but they were really just bratty children that thought they were invincible - surprise, they weren’t.

I think that might be the first time. she finally gets that Jon isn’t fucking around he really doesn’t give a shit about being Lord of Winterfell- he’s playing a completely different game for different stakes than Sansa or Littlefinger can even comprehend

I don’t dislike her. She actually made me feel like my raging desire to get Jon and Dany in the same room might not be as great as I’d like. Man, I’d LOVE IT if we had we ultimately had to choose between Dany and Jon since we’ve all already decided this is going to end with them on the same side.

That’s not really why she’s worried.

My girl is going to marry him and then kill him and control the Vale #queenofthenorth

I’m surprised not to see “when Trump wouldn’t let him meet the Pope when that was all he wanted in life” on the list of “things we were sure he would resign over.”

Still hate Johnny, still think he’s guilty. Also, still think spending $30k a month on wine is perfectly reasonable. #priorities

He’s a regular Chicos advertisment.

He has always wanted to be Brando, island and all.

Welcome to the Grey Lodge.

Scarves, chunky rings, scarves, bead necklaces, chunky rings, scarves, eyeliner.

I’ll just be over here, patiently waiting for other twin peaks fans to join me. In the greys.

Still waiting on confirmation of the Hat Room (containing $1,896,000 USD worth of hats) and the collection of mannequins with extremely well detailed genitalia. They exist. I know they do. They have to.

I hope I don’t offend anyone with one of my favorite doggy gifs, but this is what I imagine when I think of Johnny on a shopping spree

You forgot the gif to go with your comment. Here, I’ll help.