
They haven’t worked out the answer to that question in relation to the president of the United States - they’re hardly going to figure it out now for these two shitheads throwing hands.

This is good kinja

Lol uh, have you ever seen the kind of stuff Ali said about Frazier? Or seen/read about nearly any other pre-fight shit from back in the 70s or 80s? Go watch vidoes and see what Tyson had to say before his fights. It’s always been this shitty, just now on a much bigger scale.

This disgraceful show by all involved is an embarrassment to the quiet dignity and grace with which boxing has always carried itself. Don King must be spinning in his grave.

“Great evening with President @EmmanuelMacron & Mrs. Macron. Went to Eiffel Tower for dinner. Relationship with France stronger than ever.”

As I found out yesterday, the Women’s US Open Golf Tournament is being held at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, NJ. But that’s probably got nothing to do with his attendance, right?

No Frey pie? Shame!

Women do it all the time...

Well, of course theyre going to loathe the acorns. Acorns come loaded with tannins, which are extremely bitter. To make them palatable, you need to soak them in water for an hour or so, then shell them, after which you take the nut meat and boil them, changing the water about every fifteen minutes until it stays

Happy Friday!

Come on!!! You couldn’t have just left that part out?!?

It’s called the sharing economy. DUH!!!!

Has any pundit pointed out yet that when “that meeting” was an option for the Gore campaign that they alerted the damn FBI? No, 45, not everyone would take it because not everyone is completely ignorant of the legality of conspiring with a foreign government to win a federal election.

Jokes on them. Floyd doesn’t know what the shirt says.

These two are definitely trump voters and definitely own at least one confederate flag between the two of them.

This is a dumb event for dumb people.

If you had told me that you met a guy that had made a tshirt with “Fook Floyd” on it, the logical follow up question is, did he have sunglasses backwards on his head?

I almost forgot to share this duo I met at the press conference.