
Damn, they play rough! Their own mother!

I assume it’s just the way our brains are wired. I still think about awkward things I’ve said and did that happened years ago, sometimes decades ago. I really wish I could find a way to let things go because I think I’d be a lot happier for it.

I turn 37 on Friday and still feel guilty for making my mom wait in line for Space Mountain at Disney World and then chickening out at the moment we were about to get on the ride. I was 7.

Shit, I do that with jokes that are well received too. “Were they laughing just to make me feel better?” “Did I laugh too long?” “Did I let the joke go on too long?” “Do they think I only made it to get attention?” “Was that one person who laughed a little less than the others offended?” “Were they really offended by

I still cringe about things I did in 2nd grade.

i searched for a picture of the hero and found this:

Talented, brave, he seems to have the whole... um... package.


He fucking looks like an angel, too. Like wtf.

Is there a photo of the ballet angel?! I am picturing his perfect posture as he jetéed onto the subway platform again.

The women of I09 pointed out an important aspect about her sole interaction with Dr. Poison: she doesn’t kill her. That says so much and carries so much weight for me I can’t even tell you.

To me, it seems more natural that having been surrounded by women all of her life, she needs to learn more from/about men. It’s clear that she has no grasp of the fact that women are very different from the Amazons she grew up with, which means she’s not as curious about them.

Chatter suggests that the Ares sequence was forced by the studio.

I didn’t like how everything Diana learns about humanity, she learns from men. I wanted more meaningful interactions with Etta Candy and Dr. Poison.

I’ve learned two things about Angrier Geek today.

That suits wanted to ditch this scene tells me everything I need to know about why the DCU is failing. You need this scene in every origin film. That moment where the hero realizes what they have to do and “arrives”.

It’s really not even that.

“She goes...World War I in order to liberate a small French village.”

I agree, and I will also echo what she said “I think that in superhero movies, they fight other people, they fight villains.” There hasn’t been a whole lot of that in superhero movies lately, which is one of the main reasons I loved Wonder Woman so much.

In their movies they are used having superheroes doing nothing heroic and mostly trying to kill each other.