
Pickled rhubarb bits inside a burrito made with the leftover bits of a rib rack drenched in rhubarb bbq sauce (just take any bbq sauce recipe that has a fruit ingredient and replace the fruit with stewed or steamed rhubarb.) I will be eating this about 12 hours from now and am already hungry...

I’m guessing you never saw us play hockey...

I think that qualifies you for a UK passport, if you don’t have one already.

It’s not gonna be luxury though. It’s going to be Tommy Hilfiger-style premium mediocrity. Think Gucci in 1979... Stroll isn’t going to change his spots at this late stage of life: he’s exclusively about selling schmuckwear to schmucks, using (and I do respect the hell out of him for this part) OPM to cover the risky

If your username means you’re in or adjacent to the same industry as me, you’ve got me wanting to create a British-accented posting alt named Implied Vega...

Just overcome with respect for the priorities on display in that comment. +1bn if I could.

OH MY GOD YES!!! There aren’t enough caps in the world for this! +1 karmic dose of blackfly bite analgesic for you, sir and/or madam.

My first British butcher (Edinburgh - Stockbridge) had a theory that butchers in the 1900s settled on the most unattractive names possible for cheap cuts to discourage rich people from buying them instead of ribs and sirloins. I pity the rich.

Cannot endorse this recipe strongly enough. They cook lamb with grapes a lot in Australia, although they sometimes use verjuice (which is kind of the platonic opposite of grape drink) instead of fresh grapes, and I think I ate my weight in lamb over the course of a week there. This recipe would also work a treat with

The government can and do do all of things to executives at companies it owns (actually owns, not whatever nonsense definition of “ownership” you’re backing towards after finding Kinja doesn’t have a delete button). They can’t and don’t do those things at the other 99.999+% of companies in China. But I think you’re

I’m in Shanghai. Have been for more than a decade. All businesses are not owned by the government. The businesses legally belong to the owners. The actress did dodge taxes, was put on house arrest and is now back on set and giving interviews. Your ignorance scares the shit out of me, but only because I assume a great

Shanghai resident who’s in HK 10+ times a year here. Personally, I don’t disagree with you but those aren’t the terms the Chinese polity are thinking in, never mind the government. The analogy I’d use to describe how mainlanders view things is that the HK/Mainland relationship has become like a reverse DC/USA: imagine

I am super-late to this but: breakfast suggestion. Toast (as far as you’re willing to take them) pine nuts, stir in ras-al-hanout spice for the last 30 seconds or so, let cool, mix with cottage cheese in whatever proportion you like, return to fridge. Don’t eat for at least 24 hours, then try not to die of happiness

Very true and very unfair to him. in my defense, born in Winnipeg and raised in a part of southern Ontario that received all the Buffalo channels, there’s a lot I’ve tried to blot from memory...

Was the #2 slot owned by Dale’s mom?

As a very fresh graduate hire about a month out of the training program, I helped (in the sense that I provided coffee, Lotus 123 advice and securely-stapled photocopying) a major US financial institution to more-or-less accidentally wreck the entire Mexican economy. I spent most of Dec 1994 denying to my managers that

If, like me, you daily take a drug marked with a bright, angry-looking “Do not consume with grapefruit!!!” warning (grapefruit juice contains a potentiator for certain opioids, which means you stay sky-high for hours and/or die choking on your own (or someone else’s) vomit by combining the two), good news: Squirt is

*glances around the rafters of Centre Bell* Um...

There is no University of Pilgrim. Or, rather, there is a University of Pilgrim in the same way that this study is meaningful and the same way that you are a science writer.

If you live in a dairy area or have access to really good heavy cream, making cultured butter yourself is about as complicated as making a grilled cheese sandwich. Plus you get “I did that” points to go with your angioplasty.