
Is corn cob jelly for real or not? I’ve heard it described as being like the tastiest honey imaginable and also as the least enjoyable way to give yourself diabetes. 

This, coupled with a rice cooker with a built-in electronic timer, is the answer my best friend relies on for her five kids.

It’s always nice when the players have the same reaction as the fans. As an aside, if anyone reading this plans to murder a Wilpon, you really, really want me on your jury.

I claim an exception: when I did it, I damned well knew and admitted I was deflecting the ball. WTF do the rules committee think deflecting means?

That was really interesting! Also, I just learned that both my mother and wife already knew all this and never bothered to communicate it to me, on the grounds that “the only thing you know how to bake is potato farls and you only ever use one recipe for that.” Although that’s true (and has been forever), I now feel

That’s a fair call. I think my brain exploded at the thought of Trump managing an investment to a positive return. Or leaving a pot of cash unmolested. Or making a financial claim that isn’t hilariously unbelievable, etc.

All very true - I think we’re seeing more appetite for the Conservative message than the NDP’s as the inevitable post-national-election rebalancing happens at provincial level. I think that’s now inarguable in Ontario and probably true in other provinces as well. I guess I was trying to draw the contrast with the

Um. Canadian ex-hockey player, ex-small(ish) town type here. The correlation between rich and conservative up here is lower than you might expect coming from an American experience. The correlation between small-town and conservative is stronger in some provinces, much weaker in others. As a nation, we tend to line up

With TRUMP making the investment decisions? If he’d stuck his entire inheritance into the worst-run money market fund in America, he’d have almost as much money (ex what he likely owes back to the Magnitsky types he’s borrowed from) as he says he has today... Your point is perfectly sensible in theory but comes

Thanks! I just moved and found the Chinese supermarket before looking for the western one. Between that and having found only one of my pots so far, there’s a lot of use-what-you’ve-got cooking going on. Great recipe though - thanks for putting it up.

This is the first time I’ve ever gone straight from reading a recipe on here to the kitchen to make it. This curd is magic! I made it with yuzu and calamondin (because my kitchen is so screwed up and submerged in packing boxes right now that they’re the only acid fruits I could find without calling my wife at work)

I’m so sorry to point this out but they’re not quite as polite as Canadians. Sorry!

There should be a criminal penalty applied to that sort of pun. All the stars to you, sir, plus 7-10 without parole.

I’m in that horrible two-minds state: I’m genuinely upset that the Pearl Report is dead; I’m also delightedly shocked that I remembered my TVB password, which I don’t think I’ve used in 15 years. I’ve become like those Brits who haven’t heard the shipping forecast in 30 years but would unapologetically murder the BBC

Came for the Urashima’s Toasty, would add Spice Islands’ Beau Monde (although I think that one might be improved by making your own.)

I hate writing posts where I feel like I’m being “that guy” but, you know, sometimes... There is no right way to go hiking and camping. If you’re not destroying yourself, other people’s happiness or the environment, no-one has the right to look down on your choices or to humble-brag at your expense. After the lunatic

This times infinity. I wake up every morning hoping to read that the Mueller probe have subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank or that a grand jury is hearing the name “Magnitsky.”

Ah! Taste, not difficulty, is the problem. Sorry to hear you don’t like it. I’ll eat yours for you.

Single best Western-style recipe to show off shio koji: fried chicken. Take any buttermilk fried chicken recipe, substitute thin shio koji paste (it’s ok to let it down a little with water if it’s too thick) for the buttermilk and DO NOT add any more salt. If you’ve ever been to a Japanese or Korean BBQ chicken place