
I love that ride, excited about the film and I DON'T CARE WHAT ANY OF YOU THINK!

I'm sure a lot of these "Treat Women with Respect" rules will be made fun of but as a current female UGA student, knowing that a coach is willing to flat out say "no means no" and "you dont own your girlfriend" in the team guidelines is really refreshing and needs to be said more often in other schools' and teams'

You replied to me directly, so now I can die happy. You should be excited! You are kick-ass and your FIANCEE is likewise kick-ass. Plus you're marrying a feminist and they are the most awesomest husbands ever ever ever. May your wedding look like a Lisa Frank binder, in the best way possible.

So I've only been at this parenting thing for 2 years now, but in my experience, just do your best not to push an agenda one way or the other. This means…

Those studies included people with lower levels of depression. People with serious clinical depression ARE helped by the drugs. I'm one of them, and neither you nor Tom Cruise will take them away from me.

Best. Movie. Ever.


Saw this a couple days ago and it gave me all the feels then and I really have nothing to contribute to this except that I love this and I've been thinking about it ever since. On the off-chance Monsieur Richards would read the comments of li'l ol' me:

This is the cutest thing I've seen on the Internet today. Step it up, cats of YouTube!

My sister told me it was the worst True Blood episode ever

His co-anchor gets all the internet points for keeping a straight face.

As a male of Asian descent, I generally give some leeway regarding racism or cultural ignorance, as a lot of people don't truly know or understand racism and/or haven't been truly exposed to other cultures through means other than the Internet or pop culture. In this case, I have to say that I doubt Katy intended to

This picture was in the Michelle Obama piece. Both of those girls are getting so big, and even Sasha no longer really looks like a kid! I officially have a case of the olds.

Not until I'm jetskiing in Barbados with Rihanna.

mine is 20 this week and I still have some weight to lose....

Uh, can their parents volunteer to raise America?

Hmm, unless Florida's age of consent laws were somehow a loooot more lax in the mid-90s than they are today (doubtful), I'm pretty sure it should actually read "Lauren Silverman, the married woman pregnant with Simon Cowell's kid, was raped by an English teacher, who was in a position of trust and having sex with

Would one really want the same person who is massaging their anus to also be feeding them?