
It is utterly unfair to the rest of us poor slobs that Michelle Obama is allowed to be so flawless. Beautiful, smart, classy, married to Barrack, excellent speaker, funny.....

under 10k a year??? That’s so cheap!!!!! Most of the licensed places around in Seattle are charging about 2k a MONTH.

Except that it DOES happen. And an accusation doesn’t mean guilty. This urge to always believe and support the woman regardless of proof, is inherently unfair and wrong. I have sweet and oblivious 13 year old son (and a daughter, btw). I’m terrified that he could one day be at the mercy of any accusation--because as a

In the top photo, he almost looks like hot mugshot guy.

Burlap Velour? Chiffon Jacquard? I know other parts of the English speaking world use Dimity as a name, so Dimity Georgette is the only plausible thing I can come up with. And yeah, that’s not great, and anything else is worse.

Provisional Irish Republican Army? Kind of a mouthful, but so many of those traditional Irish names are.

Scrambling to blame someone (who just might happen to have money to give you payday) is disgusting behavior.

No need to snark on my little sister. She’s not only right, but is being much more polite than you and is trying to actually make useful points. Also, she clearly speaks from a place of knowledge that you don’t have.

Is it possible he’s become violent with the other kids? I’ve honestly never seen the show, (but I'm sure I’ve watched worse.) Judge not lest ye be judged, lovely Jezebel.