Sweeeeeeeeeet! <3
Android Centaur Woman? This is freaking awesome! <3
I can’t wait to see how she plays.
Did they announce when she might being coming to the ptr?
I quoted this information in a post down below regarding trans care and medical necessity but it’s important information and worth sharing. :)
Well, definitely. And one that should have, and definitely could have been avoided entirely.
Okay, that would be your decision. But it wouldn’t be your responsibility to do so. Acting as if it should be is completely unfair to you.
Thats not accurate, he is not forced in any way to compete against girls.
If you’re going to quote definitions, please at least source them.
Posting this again since my first reply was eaten by the site somehow...
It isn’t just the “result he wants.” It’s the result that is medically necessary to treat his condition. Just because it’s not a physical condition in the vein of a heart condition doesn’t mean that it isn’t an actual medical treatment.
While I think you’re being a bit rude with the thick sarcasm, let me just say, your username is the greatest thing I have ever seen on this site.
Why does this article get reposted so often, I mean it’s a great article, but this is the third time I’ve read it...