The Transporter

#blessed #nicoisoppressed #hamiltonswdcquest #nicoisstressed #thehatthrowingwasallinjest #noitwasnthamiltonconfessed #nicoprotests #nicowantshamiltontobeunderarrest #ahitmannicorequests #theraceisoverinthemidwest #timetorest #nicoisdepressed

“I wish I had an air-cooled beetle replica... Ah look, a perfect donor!”

This. People are always quick to point out aluminum doesn’t rust omitting the fact that it corrodes. There is a reason boeshield exists for airplanes, shit corrodes.

should have used a digital tire gauge to deflate more properly

Now playing

Looks like it went better than the LAST time I saw a Hummer off-road.

“Then I almost rolled over.”

Is that your flame suit, or are you preparing to load the time machine with plutonium?

It’s not “fleeing” it’s “regathering for assault with probable intent to come back with a huge gun or sumthin”

with great moustache, comes great responsibilities.

But Monaco has?

(Not me)

Shit, I sing “(Like a) Wrecking Ball” every time I have a guy on hoist ops, or when I have a sling load...

...cuz pilots get bored stuck with the same people for hours on end...

... and sometimes is scares the new guy on the hoist to thinking I am going to slam him into some trees. —- Like a wrecking ball.

If your reading this, please scroll back up and read the article.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

We never officially charged Cher for this catastrophy, and look what happens. The Navy is the smallest it’s been in decades, and we can’t even USE that battleship anymore.

I blame Miley Cyrus. Maybe they should arrest her for corrupting our airmen.

Now playing

Turns out, the engineer had something to say about this very subject:

If that were the case, meeting the seller to buy the car would be more dangerous than driving it.

He crafted it and it flies in the air.