The Transporter

I think it's due to the funding from Venezuala drying up. Teams relying on Russian and Venezualan pay-drivers are going to suffer. I hope Carlos Slim can bring decent budget to the delta wing and finally get their gearbox sorted.

you know you're rich... or a dictator..

Even better:

Sorry...the Americans down in Savannah build better jets than anyone. Gulfstream.

But she had a Drogan's decoder pin she found in Lucky Charms.

Also, in your defense, you're not a news organization spewing nonsense to maintain your otherwise sinking ratings. There's nothing inherently wrong with speculation, as long as it's not labeled as news.

I'm ready.

Don't even TALK to me until there's confirmation of a Stripped Chassis RS.

After "Snow White" they watched "Man of Steel."

So, Frozen is really cold weather survival training and Tangled is hand-to-hand combat training. It all makes sense! #Bendisney

Onslaught of emo tweets? Kimi be like...

My wife and I are really enjoying the show, but three, admittedly minor, things that bugged me last night:

I wonder if he ever ran into his distant relative in the 101st Airborne.

I thought Alias and the Americans were trying to tell us that.

All little girls who are Disney princess fans are just plants by the Russians as assassins!

Beware the incoming box of burning shit from Ferrari

Not the first time Ford has beaten Ferrari at something, HEY-OOO!