
She shot him because she wasn’t “having cooperation” from him.

What else is there to say about him?

Piece of shit rapist. Sorry, I got nothin else.

People don’t dislike body odor because of “societal norms.” They dislike it because it smells horrendous. There are people I encounter at least once a week who consistently smell and I have to try very hard to not literally gag over the stench. “De-stigmatizing” body odor doesn’t stop it from smelling awful.

I’m wondering how you figure out how much is too much when applying? I mostly use oils, doing a dab to heart, throat, and wrists. Of course it doesn’t smell like too much to me, but I have no way of knowing how it smells to others.

I feel like the one thing getting lost here is that there are plenty of times when I’ve had a non-Uber cab company treat me well or not consistently screw me over or be dangerous. It’s not like Uber is full of rude rapists; cabs in general can suck. I have yet to see that Uber is any worse than any other cab company

How about the fact that you’re probably seen as a hero for being a dad who is being a dad and involved in his kids life. A woman who is a single mother would be seen as a drain on society who drove her man away (or made the mistake of reproducing with a bad man to begin with).

I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!

“ can understand how Lori Maddox could have possibly developed not just a sincere desire to fuck adult men but the channels to do it basically in public; why an entire scene encouraged her, photographed her, gave her drugs that made all of it feel better, loved her for it, celebrated her for it, for years. You

Hillary really wants that pantsuit.

Really? What’s a better punishment? We complain about mass incarceration in the abstract but want to keep everyone in prison forever in the concrete.

Soooo, what does bragging in the Jezebel comment section about how little you mention your relationship at Facebook say about you?

Maybe they feel insecure about their relationship with God? He does allegedly have relationships with billions of men and women.