
It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

Spicer just made Trump look sad and pathetic, he is going to get canned soon enough.

Life is just so hard when you’re a billionaire in charge of the most powerful country on earth. I’ll have to go find my tiny violin.

Aww, Donny, are you having a rough day? Do you need a nap before you have to put on your big boy pants and GOVERN THE FUCKING COUNTRY LIKE AN ADULT?

But but but he hasn’t even done anything yet givehimachancei’mgoingtokillmyself

Don’t kneel, don’t capitulate, never give up, never surrender, but above all else stand.

Ireland checking in all my hopes, dreams, love and prayers to every fuckng war goddess I can think of go to you.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

And last year we were mocking their leaders, so we go and elect one just like them...

I’ll eat my hat if he makes it one year without getting impeached.

Reggie said the DS and GBA would coexist, how’d that work out?

According to Nintendo, the Switch isn’t meant to take over its spot. The 3ds and Switch are meant to exist side by side. We’ll see how true it is come March.

Right now, the 3ds is the only thing making them money. The 3ds is around 16 million units, in just the US alone.

Right now Nintendo is playing it safe and supporting both. The minute they see momentum on the Switch, they’ll kill the 3DS. Even then you can bet another portable is in the works to replace the 3DS in the next year or so if the switch fails to capture the 3DS market. Likely to help keep community parity. I would be

For me this will depend on whether Nintendo releases their games on both systems or has exclusives for both. If in the future they make a FE Switch game (which they are TBA in 2018) that also releases on 3DS I’m getting it on the Switch. Although for a lot of people that will be the exact opposite if they don’t own a

To answer that, they just announced Fire Emblem Warriors is a Switch/New 3DS exclusive, so I’d say it’s about time to upgrade.

“Trump is the perfect modern American. He’s a human consumption machine with no attention span, no self-control, no beliefs and no hobbies outside of sex, spending, eating and talking about himself. Nixon at least played the piano and read classics. He was an intellectual with a pig’s heart. Trump is just the pig part.

You may have come across this:

Great book, really recommended. Just remember that it’s a novelization of the events; it’s not a history book. And this is certainly the Nintendo nerd in me, but I was really surprised that it took as accepted fact that Super Mario World was good-but-not-great. Is that what people really thought then, and I didn’t

Great book, really recommended. Just remember that it’s a novelization of the events; it’s not a history book. And