Nintendo probably realizes making them smaller would associate them with the handheld market, and as they are aggressively positioning the Switch as a home console, they probably opted to keep them bigger in line with home-console game boxes.
Nintendo probably realizes making them smaller would associate them with the handheld market, and as they are aggressively positioning the Switch as a home console, they probably opted to keep them bigger in line with home-console game boxes.
“Not all whites,” you know the drill by now
Hah, it’s sad that that is a distinction that needs to be made. I’m definitely in the “American who is white” camp, since I’m constantly horrified over “White America”.
Accurate differentiation!
What’s crazy is that I read that and was like “wow, the GOP now would NEVER admit to contrary facts and evidence.”
Remarkable! A politician willing to acknowledge the existence of facts! How quaint!
Because our side generally tells the truth and the truth isn’t easy or pretty or simple. The world economy has changed. Well paying industry jobs for people with a high school diploma are not coming back. Climate change is happening. We need to reduce our reliance of fossil fuels even if it’s going to cost us jobs at…
Look at Bannon’s face, then see him talk about “how important face is.” That’s how he treats important things?!
Goddam. This lady has all the balls in Washington.
Exactly! The Regalia Type-F was added last minute as a way to emulate the airships from the previous installments and it does a really shitty job of that... Vertical landing out in the field would make it more usable.
White people ended slavery like Trump ended the birther controversy - by ceasing to perpetuate it.
And vice-versa. The parallels are getting creepy.
Kim Jong Un could die of heart disease and Trump would take credit for it. What a chode.
Yes, they loathe it when we launch our freedoms and liberties into their wedding parties and kill dozens of people, or when we sell our freedoms and liberties to the Saudi government to help them kill civilians in Yemen. Assuming we live through Donald’s presidency, I’m going to be more proactive about holding…
So yeah. Killing young girls and detaining PhD students at airports. Great week Don. Way to show the world who you are.
Yeah, by that measure we should have never let any Italians into the US after they strung up Mussolini. Violent overthrow of a dictator happens. You really gonna piss all over the oppressed people who did it, fucking savage though it may have been?
This is the problem right now, and why Trump is winning this war for the actual power in America: people are still dealing with him in civil and normal terms, as if both sides of this fight were operating inside the same boundaries of democracy and public accountability. As this Senator is doing, expecting that such a…
You can’t use the word “deplorable,” it hurts too many feelings. You have to say “differing opinion” or “real American.”
True. He’d just shoot a guy in the face!
Mmm, you mean Mr. “lolol it’s not clear in what branch of government the VP lives!” Cheney?