
I’m sure these warnings will be just as heeded as the “don’t run the one person who might lose to an idiot like Donald Trump” warning.

I would argue that History is on his side, as the increase in economic equality from the progressive movement & new deal until the 70s was partially due to unionization and the decline of economic equality from the 70s onward is partially due to the decline of unions.

Registering to this website was also incredibly tedious and vague. The instructions were terribly unclear and sometimes it just wouldn’t work for reasons I can only describe as “because”. It took me nearly 30 minutes of trying to finally get it to work because God forbid Nintendo ever do anything intuitive involving

I got into competitive with XY and enjoy the Battle facilities, so that lead me down the path of breeding and EV training. Don’t go down the rabbit hole!

I have a box full of timid females. I’ll hold on to them for now.

William Henry Harrison’s boss move of taking office them promptly dying is looking like a pretty sweet deal compared to what we’re facing.

There are no macros, the author messed up

Wow... I bet all those “Never Hillary” morons are so glad that their vote didn’t count and Hillary won the election anyway...

Not that their a rare pokemon, but I’ve always loved growlithes. For whatever reason, I have been catching these furry little guys every time I’ve seen one.

You get a Growlithe, and you get a Growlithe, AND YOU get a Growlithe!!!!

Yeah pure the real xmas mvp sir, I’m at 20 eggs and still no female o.o, I’ll be throwing out toxapex, and vulpix with snow warning and egg moved since I have like 40 .-.

I recently dropped 15 Vulpix with moonblast+FreezeDry+Snow Warning last night. Guess I can do that again on xmas

I did this earlier and got a Japanese Abra in return.

Just head your party with a male pokemon with cute harm (like igglybuff). Makes encountering pokemon of the opposite gender more likely.

I’ve been extremely lucky finding female Salandits myself so I might do the same.

Oh i honestly don’t know. I just figured hatching eggs would be faster and easier than relying on random encounters. At least you know you’re getting a Salandit out of every egg.

Might be easier/faster to breed them.

This would be wonderful!

omg I found the real good samaritan.