The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.
The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.
Not only that, but it’s usually some no-name brand that’s just advertised as “55-INCH TV FOR $100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
It amazes me that people haven’t caught on to the fact that “doorbuster deals” are just a dirty trick to get them in the door and nothing more. The store knows that, once they are gone, people will end up buying something else just so that they don’t feel like they left empty handed.
Yup, that’s what I do for the last few years. Nearly every deal minus door busters are online.
This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck…
The thing is Trump would still come out the winner. All the glory none of the work. He’s seeing just how awful the job is. And he could kill being a victim and capitalize on an alt right trump tv network. There would definitely be violence. But this violence has been coming to a head for a long time, being fomented by…
I have news for you - a coup is happening right now
He is starting to intimidate them by denying the press pool access to him. This meeting is to further intimidate the media to bend to his will. He doesnt want the media to criticize his actions. This is a fucking call to arms for any and everyone who respects free press. This is a direct threat.
Not to generalize, but I’m sure most women who marry old sacks of crap like Trump are eventually hoping to be wealthy widows. Becoming First Lady must be the worst possible outcome for Melania.
Midtown businesses are already preparing lawsuits.
An honest discussion doesn’t start: “So, we’ve done it this way for a while and that’s why it should never change. Now let’s have an honest discussion.”
He actually lost the popular vote. He only won by the electoral college, which is in place because some states in this country used to own slaves, which inflated their population numbers even though those enslaved people couldn’t vote. There are no more slaves, but the electoral college remains, giving states with…
Hi, I can help with this:
but don’t ignore the facts just to fit the meme
Hitler did some good stuff too, you know. For example, he killed Hitler.
Breitbart gets a chair in the White House the same year that Gawker has its throat slit by a thin-skinned billionaire advisor to the Cheeto Elect.
With these appointments, the eventual failure of the Trump Administration is now all but guaranteed. The only question is how many of the rest of us will get taken down with him when he crashes and burns...
Also “increasingly marginalized” = increasingly less completely dominant in all spheres, so. Cry me a river indeed.
Margaret Atwood was on point when she said,