
“Ranger Things"?

If any of you come here to bitch about Barb...I will fucking cut you.

Padme dying is a continuity error. In Return of the Jedi, Luke asks Leia what she remembers of her real mother. Leia says that she was always sad. So it hints at the fact that Leia was partially raised by Padme before being adopted by the Organa’s. It was a stupid plot device by Lucas in Revenge of the Sith.

I thought it sucked because Batman was a homicidal super villain until he finds out that Superman’s mom has the same name as his mom.

Heh Marvel is deciding the need two of all their heroes now? Two Iron Man, Odinson is back to having a Thor title and maybe being Thor also, Falcon Cap and Steve Cap, etc.

I see that and raise you Elementary’s Mycroft.


Very sad...even sadder still that there are still people denying that humanity is causing this...and even sadder STILL that, even if we started doing everything right, right now, this very minute, it’s still likely too late to save the great barrier reef.

She’s a child in age? WTF? Even a street smart kid is still a kid. Not to mention Alfred’s BFF was a mole who tried to kill him and threatened to harm Bruce!

Yey more female characters! Women are taking over Star Wars. Must be Laura Dern’s radical Dinosaur Feminist agenda.

I hate that we can never have this conversation without snickering from people. Even if there was a 0.0001% chance it was alien, it should not be ruled out. Hell, I would even say the chance of this being GOD himself should not be ruled out. And im the VERY LAST person who will ever believe in a god. I’ll take a dump

Definitely aliens.

One of the flaws of internet conversing is that I can’t actually make you a cup of tea now, because you’ve earned one.