Loved the Fusco sub-plot and my god it's Lester Freamon from The bloody WIRE!! Of course he's the bigger bad!
Loved the Fusco sub-plot and my god it's Lester Freamon from The bloody WIRE!! Of course he's the bigger bad!
Man, as someone who really likes bees, that there is a yellow jacket. Undoubtedly way more dangerous and annoying than bees (exception the Africanized ones).
Well, of course the found footage movie was terrible, it was edited together by the girlfriend of the film dude's friend. And of course they interpreted everything wrong, they're stupid college kids with a really crappy professor. And yeah Dean's had a change of heart, he's a different Dean from Purgatory. And of…
Is that... a Freudian slip, or am I misunderstanding?
I think the best news from the Person of Interest link is that the series isn't just another episodic series and it will continue to grow the characters. I mean, people watching already know, but that fear's been a bit of a turn off for people who haven't given it a chance yet.
Finch does speak several languages, computer languages. I mean, he'd have to, right?
Actually, Bear speaks Dutch. That's what he tweets in on his Twitter account:
I knew I had to watch this show as soon as *spoilers*
Well where else would they come from? God knows how many games of Pac Man it must've took to truly twist Elias' mind.
Did anyone watch this too close to having seen Looper and get time travel sickness?
Uh, you do know that the "threat" in the new Red Dawn are apparently North Korean, right?
I get the feeling behind literary "slumming" into science fiction. Felt like that through the last bits of "A Visit From the Goon Squad." It felt kind of cringe-worthy to the extreme.
Agreed. I also thought the Daleks were referring to his hate of them. The Daleks didn't spare their broken-down comrades because they hated them. The Daleks spared them because of their capacity to hate. So, similarly, they spare the Doctor for his capacity to hate (them).
Why should I have to pay $12.99 for a digital copy of a book, when a real life paperback of the same thing costs $13.99?
Sherlock in the BBC verse doesn't seem to have a degree in pyschology. I just took the exchange to be a reflection of his own ignorance and a defense mechanism to keep others away as opposed to ignorance on the writer's part.
Haha, I kept thinking at any point during the headset scenes (of which there were too many): "The first rule of Treadstone is you don't talk about Treadstone!"
They named all the other movies after the books, they had barely anything to do with them either (Except maybe most parts of the first film).
Spoiler alert...
Yeah, they're all terrible escort missions gone wrong with a somewhat anti-climatic showdown with another spy in the end (or actually, can't remember the third one all too well). Also, bullets become increasingly less effective as the series progresses.
I think Rachel Weisz squawking, "I don't know! I don't know!" or "Aaron! Aaron!" is up there with Nicholas Cage's "How'd it get burned?! How'd it get burned?!" I mean, it was pretty great hysterical shouting.