
Raph, touch em all. This is the best piece I've read about how 'enthusiasts' talk about BMWs.

And yet depictions of breastfeeding are still banned without consideration.

As a technician, I LOVE computerized cars. So much easier to pin point a fault - in that the car will tell me what's going on. Of course, I have various dealer level scan tools for different european brands that I snagged on eBay for under $100 a piece. All you need to fix a car is a tool box, a laptop, and the right

Actually, for the lay man, this is pretty true. I don't know many people that can afford a $5,000 scan tool. These days diagnosis and repair isn't about being able to clear a code, it's about finding why a code has set. And I don't know how much time you've spent under a new car's hood as compared to an old one, but

Well, I'm a redditor so check that off, atheist... another check mark, and... I think this guy is an amazing person. I won't get into why I'm an atheist or my thoughts on that but I will say if a man in the sky is the reason this guy grew a giant set of balls and stepped up when nobody else would then dammit... we

To be fair... I don't think anyone took too much issue with the Aztec as it was actually designed by the designers. It's what it turned into after all the bean counters and committee members were through with it that was an abomination. I'm willing to bet that the designers hated what appeared on showroom floors

There's sound external to the suits in the trailer - but not in the actual movie. This has been confirmed.

If you're going to make a sexist joke, at least make it funny.