“Comedy Central is in a ratings free fall, with Trevor Noah’s Daily Show taking the biggest hit. (In May of this year, the Wrap calculated that Noah had lost 35 percent of Stewart’s audience. The numbers have dropped even lower since.)”) from
“Comedy Central is in a ratings free fall, with Trevor Noah’s Daily Show taking the biggest hit. (In May of this year, the Wrap calculated that Noah had lost 35 percent of Stewart’s audience. The numbers have dropped even lower since.)”) from
No it’s not, the numbers are down significantly.
Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.
Sam Bee and John Oliver!
I’m disappointed, but not surprised. Wilmore is obviously a strong writer with great ideas, but I personally didn’t think his on-screen presence was very compelling.
I was thinking the Cylons from Battlestar Galactica.
That’s cool and all, but where can I find out more info on the men that helped them get here?
Oooh! Watch Human Traffic- a film made in 1999, in Cardiff, Wales. Carl Cox cameos, and there’s a brilliant late 90's house soundtrack. So good.
He’d make a fab Corinthian. :)
I’m 66 years old. I became a feminist when I was 5, and my older sister was told she could “join” a model airplane club my father belonged to. She could pay dues, but not attend meetings or meet because she was a girl.(My father promptly “unjoined” that club!) I’ve been waiting 61 years for today.
Actually what he quite clearly says is “if you think I’m going to write some cartoon version of Irreversible, you’re out of your goddamn mind.”
“Discusses” or “is forced to answer intrusive questioning by a “reporter” with an already defined agenda who will then make answer the central focus of the piece in order to sell magazines.”
I think she’s opening herself up to the danger that people are going to start focusing on her acting.
And, once we establish that, who will sell me one?
I guess because it’s late Friday afternoon but this essay confuses me...what’s the thesis statement? That women who are body-shamed shouldn’t be “clapping back”?
I could be wrong, but her primary complaint didn’t seem to be about beauty standards only, but how everyone is waiting for her to be pregnant so she can be a complete woman or something. This wasn’t about decades of pictures of her without make-up, or having cellulite, this was about her having a baby and how it’s a…
Please refer to Carrie Fisher’s dog with his given name, Gary Fisher. Thank you.