
I’m genuinely sad my feminist mom didn’t get to live to see this.

Yes, it’s an outrageous statement. He hasn’t admitted any culpability therefore it’s easy to conclude that he WOULD do it again as he doesn’t see that he did anything wrong. He is most definitely a danger to society and likely to re-offend. This judge is as bad as the rapist.

He thought it was fine saying those things about Keira Knightly because the people he hangs out with, in the business he operates in, talks about women and people of color that way every day with impunity. So when he got blowback about it and realized his words were heard by people not full of white bro privilege, he

If I knew someone named Countess Debonnaire Von Bismark, I would insist on calling her Debi just to be obnoxious.

2. Then wasn’t there the police report that said there were no signs of abuse that evening

I love when women watch out for other women

She called police and filed a report when it happened.


Perhaps the downside is that it marginalizes Hillary.

It’s there because I put it there.

your honor, it’s pirate shirts all the way down.

The blind item can’t be her because Johnny had to have known Amber was bisexual. She’s been publicly open about it for as long as I’ve known about her as an actress (several years).

Your honor, he wants to finger me with all his rings on.


The plot of Designated Survivor is like Battlestar Galactica without spaceships.

Does he really think the people having emergencies in the emergency room give even half a shit about some random white guy who looks like every other white guy on this planet?

It was actually only something like 7 actual delegates that were rejected. All the others were because people didn’t bother to do any research or in many cases, didn’t show up. Don’t use parking as an excuse. That’s bullshit. If I told my boss that, he would laugh at me and fire me.

Shaun King is a berniebro, fuck him

They weren’t “new rules,” they were the temporary convention rules that had been pre-negotiated before the event and that they had already had a preliminary vote on. Everyone knew what they were before they even arrived at the convention. Bernie supporters were trying to make last-minute changes to them after

Berniebros are just Trump supporters that don’t hate minorities, they still hate women though