
Actually that’s not at all what happened. From snopes:

Right. This is her exact quote about it from the Nerdist podcast. She doesn’t say it wasn’t him but she EXPLICITLY takes Jez to task for setting the internet mob on it.

Don’t just stare at the cake, eat it!

#mophie is love, #mophie is life

Will someone explain what “dancing for The Weeknd” means?

Major Upset

Because the Sanders spin has been Hillary only won the conservative South because she’s a “conservative”? Otherwise, how is it a surprise? Indiana is almost completely lily white outside of the urban areas.

I was a Bernie supporter for most of the primary but now that shit is getting real I’m in full Hillary mode. She’s going to pummel Trump into the ground and I’m really excited to see her kick some ass now.

Not going to lie though if Bey asked me to see her collection of vintage back braces I would in a goddamn second.

Like, leaves the house once a month, wears sunglasses at night eccentric or

I know this is a way that people seem bizarrely reluctant to put it but: YOU GUYS. WE ARE ELECTING THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT.

Now playing

We might just have the new Sylvester in Alex Newell (from Glee.)

I absolutely love Bob the Drag Queen (not to be confused with Bob the Builder), and I love Sylvester, and this whole thing was just perfect. Frankly, I’m surprised that Britney Derek lasted as long as he did.

I dunno, Gillian Anderson, seems like you should try your experiment again. And by you, I mean me.

It’s really hard to deal with a barrage of calls when you’re meeting with the funeral director and mourning your loved one. He’s a famous guy who has a ton of friends, so it would be even harder for him. I actually think Twitter is okay in this case (although I think it’s super tacky when people post condolences on FB

I don’t completely disagree with you BUT Calling him right now might not be the best thing. It is still fresh and he might need time with his daughter and by himself to cope, or at least try. So maybe it is like, putting a message out there and when he is ready, it will be waiting for him with out intruding on

‘“Save the Earth” really means “Save the Humans” or “Save the Life on Earth”. Earth the planet will outlast all extinctions.’

Pretty sure that’s not what Whiskeyprayer said.