
Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

Yeah, the guests. That must be it.

Amy Schumer does not need to apologize for having a great fucking year. She should make a promo where she’s taking a victory lap and she’s ......I dunno, holding two flaming dildos up as torches*

No, she is decisive. Even if she changes her position on an issue, it’s a conscious decision that is likely influenced by many factors.

I’m fine with your insults, but I’m a woman. Your joke sucked.

Individual votes matter. I will never accept any excuse for not voting. It is a privilege to participate in a democracy.

The FB nets were full of that and then “they should vote for Bernie, he’s a liberal NYC Jew like them.”

Here we go again.

I met HRC once, on my 21st birthday. I was working at a Clinton Foundation fundraiser at the Museum of Natural History in NYC. They hadn’t told us anything about how the Clintons would enter and I just assumed they would come in the back through some super secret door or something.

The idea is that Clinton has become a political rock star, but I also saw this as a dramatization of how people think women are preordained to act around Clinton.

Henry Cavil, ex-boyfriend of Kaley Cuoco and current boyfriend of Batman (I think that’s what the new movie is about?)

I think it’s fine for them not to endorse anyone. Not everyone has to pick a side. I can’t even lie, I’m fucking pumped just to see the awe/respect for Hillary that I feel personally. Disagree with some of the political decisions she’s made all you want, there’s a group of us that see her as a rockstar for being the

If Sanders was on the show this article would be going on and on about what a funny old guy he is and how cool it is that Ilana and Abbi support him etc. etc. except we get this. Maybe they respect HRC because they are both women in a male-dominated industry they get all the shit that she has been through and how hard

Shameful does not begin to describe the Reagans’ record on AIDS. However, although it was much too late and clearly only came when AIDS’s reach extended beyond the gay community, they did take a public stance on AIDS acceptance while the disease was still very stigmatized. Google Ronald Reagan’s obit in the Washington

But Nancy did a LOT of good things. There were so many positive things she could’ve said about her, without ever bringing up AIDs. That is what makes this so strange of a mistake.

Yet another chapter of Satan vs Santa Claus.

She really did fuck up with what she said, but it is a good apology and she isn’t trying to excuse it with any bullshit like , “Well I just got my words jumbled.”

I think Hillary was referring to Nancy’s eventually urging President Reagan to open up funds for AIDS research. But, and I say this as a Hillary Just. No. The Reagan administration was criminally negligent in addressing the AIDS crisis because it started in a population they didn’t like, and I DO NOT

She literally could have talked about anything else though. Even D.A.R.E., which was an epic joke, certainly started the conversation about drugs much younger and made it a community issue not just a parental issue. Or you know, just being a nice lady or whatever. People can still pick apart that but at least it has