
I think it’s important to keep in mind that we are living in a very different political landscape than existed even twenty years ago, and Hillary Clinton has been in the political landscape for nearly forty. In that time, she has been unwavering in her commitment to poverty relief, children’s welfare, and women’s

Every Interaction I’ve Ever Had With a Bernie Bro on Twitter: A Play In One Act:

Tangent: “The Sorrows of Young Werther’s Original” would make an excellent song title.

I’m a Hillary voter, but Steinem needs to STFU. I’m voting for Hillary (with some reluctance) because I think she’s a battle-tested beltway beeyotch who can clobber Republican radicals. I'd be voting for Biden if he were running.

Okay, first, I love to see a line up of women in politics. We don’t have enough of those. You know what would be cool though? To do a monthly feature on a woman in politics. AND NOT JUST A WHITE WOMAN IN POLITICS, although those are fine, too. There are a lot of women of color getting shit done.

One time there was a trending twitter hashtag that was like “political sitcoms” or something and I came up with “Gillibrand’s Island” and I just feel like the internet has never given me enough credit.

When he did that DC special for Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, DC gifted him Harley Quinn’s baseball bat from the film.

Actually, people too young to remember Obama’s 2008 campaign are the only voters I can understand feeling the Bern. I’m 39. I was so madly all about Obama, and I have no regrets - I still love him, but I realize that his presidency isn’t so much different than Hillary’s would have been. At least not in any way I could

Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world

This is why I like her and would vote for her if I could. I know the arguments against her and why she shouldn’t be nominated but damn, she knows her way around.


They’d save a lot of money just organizing tours to spit on Bowie’s grave.

This is complete horseshit. The original is a cult classic BECAUSE of all of the campy elements, from the stepmom’s shoulder pads, to those hilarious door knockers, to Bowie’s perfect performance. It would be impossible to recreate, especially today, like what fifteen year old girl collects stuffed animals when they


“Hello ladies, you’re looking lovely this evening. Maybe we should all go back to my room...have you ever heard of Settlers of Catan?”

Hey, the Academy is at least admitting that science fiction is a legitimate genre. I’m pulling so damn hard for Mad Max and The Martian.

NSFW (sexy gettin’ ready song):

I really hope Rian Johnson blows the story open.

Yes, but George, when you ruin your children, sometimes the state has to take them away from you for their own welfare.