
The possibilities...I wonder if I could cultivate some of this yeast to brew an IPA.

Your point is valid, but it reminded me of a Slate interview where the director mentions casting at least two trans actors in the movie:

I’m going to see this film with my partner. I know a lot of trans men and women who are actively boycotting this film because of its lack of trans involvement. And I fully get that. And I’m cis, so my opinion on this doesn’t matter as much. My partner (a trans woman who is in her early stages of transition) and I have

This song is going to be used as the title song for the European teledrama the last Panthers inspired by the Balkan jewel thieves the pink panthers noted for their spectacular jewel heists one of which had four gang members dressed themselves as women to Steal over 100 million dollars worth of jewels from a Parisian

Literal Musical Genius and Goblin King can do what he wants.

Mild pedophilia.

So you could say that Drew was keeping Boys on the Side.

Jesus. Both Charlie Sheen and Justin Bieber on Today? That’s the douchebag motherlode. The douchebag hoard of Smaug. The douchebag event horizon. The douchebag Gotterdammerung.

I’d even back up over him to do it again.

and so was Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.

The View is allegedly trying to hire Gwyneth Paltrow. Let that sink in for a second

Holy christ that is an amazing picture. Also, I can’t even imagine the kind of boners that chem trail people got from this.

Man, it really is like a different universe for rich people, eh?

If you look at you will see several support vessels stationed at Port Huneme usually go out and drive around in circles to watches these tests... This is the track of the Independence ( also once the biggest ship in the US Air Force ) which isn’t a particularly active and tends to keep banker’s hours

Wait, are you honestly trying to make the case for Maladroit being their best album? Lol.

That is because Matt Sharp was the real genius in the band, and he left after Pinkerton.

there is no greater cosmetic surgery than the breast reduction. had my giant boobs reduced many years ago and they’re still perky AF even now in my 50s.

Who cares? It’s her body and choice. People that are invested in whether or not women have had “work” done are the worst.

But you get the prize for biggest asshole of the night.