I wish I could star this a million more times!
I wish I could star this a million more times!
This was the best.
They did a better job doing a react video.
I mean, not now, but god willing.
Miley is A maidel mit a vayndel (A pony-tailed cutie-pie.)
I had a boyfriend who liked choco chip cookies without the chips. I used to put almond extract in to make them more interesting. I named them 'Grandpa No-Funs'
This is an emotionally inflamed moment. It would be inappropriate to talk about doing nothing now. We’ll take this up in a few months and do nothing then.
Well considering the fact that she’s doing press for a film about women winning the right to vote and brought up issues of gender equality all on her own, it seems a pretty fair question in this case.
His name is Johnny Depp.
so the other one is Kindle? the runway model ya?
Sigh. I miss school. I cannot be the only kid that LOVED back-to-school. New clothes, new Trapper Keeper, new classes, SCHOOL AND LEARNING AND BOOKS!!
nah bro. fall is da best. fuckin best apples ever, beautiful sunny skies and crisp air..gtfo wit dis shit.
You are the wrongest anyone has ever been wrong about anything in the history of wrongness. Repent.
Well he did make her laugh so cry a baby almost fell out of her. From her book:
Amy Poehler and Parks should've gotten something at this point. God damn. NOT HAPPY but I love veep and JLD so. I'm conflicted.