
What the fuck. What the flying Santa-Platypus on a Frisbee with Russell Brand fuck. What the Honorable Lord Fuckington, Earl of Fucksmouth, Chancellor of Fuck. I stand at the lip of a Florida-shaped hole in reality and there are no words. This man has warped my perception of humanity; now I look at my bathroom garbage

When I saw this, I thought I should share my story but didn’t because it’s so fucked up it’s almost unbelievable.

I personally hated the Kennedy “Roar” lip sync. She wasn’t really in tune with the song, just pulling out all the stops from the get go, whereas Katya built with the song (not that I think Katya’s performance was stellar, but Kennedy’s was not a performance, it was an erratic everything but the kitchen sink). Truly

Katya all the way. I wish some more of the awesomeness that is in her Rugrets and Ruflections YouTube series had come through on RPDR, she had it in her to win, but wasn’t showing it all.

I gotta 100% disagree with you about Kennedy’s version of “Roar.” Katya gave me CHILLS during that song, and I was dumbstruck when she was sent home. It wasn’t quite on par with Latrice Royal DESTROYING Kenya Michaels with her “Natural Woman,” but I definitely felt similarly about it — one queen using emotion,

No, no we’re cool. I think everyone is dissenting from Julianne. She’s our Breshnev.

You’re not dissenting, we all seem to agree. Katya was everything. She could dress, she could act, she could motherfucking PERFORM, and she had outfits for days. Katya for Prezident!

Sadly a weak winner for the weakest season the show has had so far. For whatever reason, Ru cast this boring batch of queens and obviously favored Violet from early on. I hope she picks a better crop next season and Katya for All Stars!

America deserves the sweatiest woman in show business!

Did we watch the same show???? Kennedy SUCKED and should have gone home weeks ago. KATYA was robbed.

This is why Katya is the Drag Superhero we deserve. Oh if I could star this post repeatedly, I would!

Any “wuz robbed!!” discussion about this season that’s not about Katya isn’t worth having

Now playing

This is the first time I’ve felt disappointed in a winner.

Ginger didn’t win because people finally caught up with her schtick. The AV Club has had a great series of takedowns on how her persona is more affected and comes from a place of far more dishonesty. For example, don’t call yourself a, “bitter old lady” when you are seven years older than the winner and still in your

This is the first time I’ve felt disappointed in a winner

Ginger Minj was not robbed. Her personality was repellant. I’m not exactly in love with Violet Chachki’s boring arrogance, but Ginger was the biggest shit-stirrer of the season, if you watched Untucked. She was awful. You want a big girl winner, how about the adorable Jaidynn Dior Fierce. Now that queen was robbed.

Ugh, Chet, just STFU.

I’d love to see Charlize Theron as Captain Marvel per the article, but I’m really not interested in Angelina Jolie directing it. Also, that article calls Theron a “fan favorite” to play Carol Danvers, when that is clearly a lie. The best woman for that role is Katee Sackhoff.

Dunn is 30 years old, 5’6”, 130 pounds, with brown hair and blue eyes. Kunis has been alerted to his escape.

Pulp -The Fear