
You make an absolutely excellent point which is further supported by looking at the more successful (ie more well known usually) female directors of today. They often fall into either the category of successful actress turned director or director with some lineage of clout. It makes some sense that to get into what

Let's hope it lingers.

bollocks, he can't be the last cool rock star as long as Courtney's still around.

Fairly certain 'Fairytale of New York' is the best Christmas song in the history of everything.

Everyone on here saying that "Jesus turned into a zombie anyway, LOL" is incredibly offensive. Jesus, upon Resurrection, was not a zombie. His command of speech and mastery of arcane powers means that he was a LICH.

They're just mad because this breaks with canon, Zombie Jesus isn't supposed to come around until Easter.

I wonder if it had anything to do with how Tim went total mainstream and she wanted to just keep doing her own crazy thing. Like Tim stopped having artistic vision and just tried to scramble elements of his previous films in order to make dump trucks of money.

I am not even sure you were trying to sell the movie to us, but, yknow, totally going to watch it over the holidays.


SPOILER ALERT: One person calls it "Mail Kimp."

Well... I'll give it a shot. It's my job, right!


I thought the article was funny and showed some great acerbic wit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If I may nerd at you for a moment, I'm completely confused as to why DC is putting out a SS film at all because Arrow has already done a really great job with it. Also DC owns the Fables rights, why in the world are they not making a Fables film? That would be HUGE.

describing Robin Thicke as "the human version of a white leather couch" just made my week. I like to think of him, along with Adam Levine and John Mayer, as part of this three-piece set:

It's so weird. There's this thing you can do to remove some of the uncertainty and investigate the evidence ... what is it? What is it? OH YEAH. A TRIAL.

I wish he was allowed to be angry

Okay but Garak is the best Cardassian.