
Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.

Funfact: If you did the normal mash-up of names for couples using their last names, Matt and Ben would be Daleck.

"Please be seated for Sheboygan Community Theater's production of The Fifth Element, starring Miley Cyrus as Leeloo. Your appetizers will be served shortly."

"They were bursting with anticipation!"

that hole will always be there

I have a friend who knows her from high school She was nice in high school. That in and of itself is pretty amazing.

Michael Hutchence was sex on a stick.

Maybe the church can step in and move him to another town where he can be the dad on another show.

Dodai, when I first started at Jezebel, I felt so fortunate to work alongside you because I had long been an admirer of your work and now, three years later, I feel even more fortunate because I get to call you one of my best friends. Thank you for everything. But also F U for leaving.

And that was just a wizz palace. This is a whole Wiz Khalifa.

Cara D is writing an autobiography...she's rich and English and obviously her childhood was spent going through the back of a wardrobe and making friends with a male faun who wears a jaunty scarf. OBVIOUSLY.

I can't get through The Wire either. I've tried at least 10 times.

Nobody is demeaning an entire sex here. Just Disney Princes. Are you a Disney Prince? I can answer that for you... no, you're not a Disney Prince. So buck up and quit crying over something that isn't even aimed at you.

I like to think Elaine Stritch answered the knock at the Pearly Gates and that they're both sitting having vodka on the rocks, talking shit about everyone.

"Each day, I choose my age."

No white dancers!

A bland, colorless costume to fit the bland, colorless aesthetic of the bland, colorless cinematic universe DC is trying to craft. Fitting.

Rangy. I like em rangy. David Tennant being in the center of tall and lanky, Olyphantastic at the far end of muscular.