
I know it’s not a hot button of controversy, but Bill Hader is adorable in this and I want to see him do more romantic lead parts.....(....he can touch my hot button any day.......with his lead parts....i’ll show myself out).

I’d like to think this whole Jesse Eisenberg thing happened so I could make this.

This is seriously making me question my hard stance against a live action Sandman...

I don’t talk about it. Very few of my friends know or at least remember this as a part of me. And even though my Kinja name would presuppose that I made a different choice. When I was 15 I also had that moment where I was sure yet not sure I would transition. Up until 18, when I legally changed my name to a more

Thank you for sharing your story.

You too! Whatever is keeping your wise commenting away, I hope it’s spectacular. I ghost more than comment these days so I’m right there with ya xo

Just stopping by to say - you’re still killin’ it BJ.

BabyJane, you light up my life since 2007. (The Minj since 2015)

Romeo Leo over Jack Leo should be on a questionnaire for who can sit by me.

I’ve had this conversation a lot lately, but I actually think this is the best possible scenario for their kids. I’m coming from a tremendous amount of bias being a broken home kid and then some and thinking the Affleck kids are already (based on appearances) cool weirdos. BUT - I think having some difficulty early on

Don’t feel too bad for the wonderful blonde, her 25th birthday she met J Hamm who got her a drink. She was too nervous to remind him that this had happened but I trust her and felt no qualms about running to his open ‘pit. Totally sans qualms. Negative qualms. QualmLESS.

Cigarettes and man smell. But not like that new man smell. Definitely that lived in musk...but mostly cigarettes (we interrupted him mid smoke)

I mean didn't I? Didn't I?

I know it shouldn’t matter but we were all feeling self conscious to approach let alone take the pic since none of us wear make-up to work. For me it was like, well, shame systems are already down - stare STAAAARE. So, what I'm trying to say is - thank you!

Felt like as a comedy writer who was suddenly rendered speechless - I had to make the most out of the picture.

It’s how I found out I am a parseltongue. It spoke such wonders to me.

He was lovely and humored us tremendously. My coworker in the middle told him that “Black Mirror ruined all other media for her” - I THINK I told him my name...can’t be sure.

He was very kind, asked us our names and what we were up to that day. So, yeah, we totally interrupted his Hamm time with his cigarette, but it kind of wasn’t about him. This was our day, to be under his armpits.

Aw, that’s really kind - I’ll relay to my coworkers!