Can anyone else see my post? Is Kinja drunk?
Huh, I don't know how I missed it but Dogfishhead 90 minute IPA is on here. It's like a light shone down and there it was in all its hoppy glory to make me look the fool. But, still...Blue Moon is awful! So there!
I may be a second rate drag queen but at least I know how to blend. You can pry my hiliter from my cold dead talons!
I choose to believe this whole thread is in the grey because beer is the drink of the proletariat. WE GET IT YA SCOTCH SWILLERS! Why don't you post another Anchorman GIF?
New Rule: If you voted Vodka Tampons because you've actually tried it and liked it you have to immediately go to the comments and explain yourself and everything about the experience and what happened to you to make you this way.
There's something to that. If the percentage is over 7 then I'll maybe get through three beers before I'm wrecked. Funny thing is I used to think I HATED beer until I had something super hoppy (probably a Lagunitas or a Caldera) and now my beer belly and I are taking on the world...from our couch...with some nachos.
Agreed. Besides Smirnoff Ice it's the closest thing I'll ever get to Zima (I'm assuming). And that counts for something?
Aw shux - thank you! Maybe Four Loko left me more than four brain cells to rub together after all!
I would totally be satisfied with a vague "Microbrew" option, I feel like who ever set the brackets has never had good beer.
If they didn't take original Four Loko off the market my first child would be named Four Loko because it was made of pure love - if that pure love was made from the sweat of meth cooks having a quickie in San Bernadino. Sigh.
My pacific northwest beer snobbery is flaring up - Blue Moon v Mike's Hard Lemonade? It's like I'm looking into the fridge of an awful house party and wishing I brought a flask.
You leave Dr. Ruth alone! She is a sex positive visionary and concentrated hebraic awesome.