

How in the hell do I send in a tip? Someone, anyone, halp pass this along!

Man I hope the haterade everyone here drank about Miley had 3 parts vodka or something to make it worth it. I picture Haterade electrolytes to look like Night on Bald Mountain from Fantasia but with more stanck face and judgement - on a micro scale of course.

I broke my recommend-star clicking finger clicking on yours. Started to feel like I was looking around myself humming Madonna's "This Used To Be My Playground" with all the bullshit slut shaming (which it unequivocally was, unlike her Disney days Miley clearly has agency in her career...and a super hero PR team).

Whatevs. This song and video exists so that drag queens can tear the house down and let us have it with it hunty - worth every penny!

How is she not a bigger star? I mean, really?

Very curious if this comment digs a tunnel out of the grey ghetto. Sad I can only recommend it once!

Welp, I can leave work now. Nothing is going to make this day more satisfying than, "Taylor Swift's ginger puggle Ed Sheeran..". (Puts on her fedora from the hatrack by the door and heads back home to sleep).

You know what - she was having a fucking blast up there. Would I prefer her not to do the whole black harajuku thing, unqualified yep. Did I worry she'd get a massive tongue cramp? Absolutely. But was I entertained? WAS I ENTERTAINED??? Marginally! You know who I was never entertained by? Hannah Montana. I back it,

Wait - wait - wait - wait...Someone made an Anna Wintour/Gendo Ikari mash-up gif??? That is a thing that exists!? I am most pleased with you internet. Most pleased.

Gotta go with Ru on this one, "What other people think of me is none of my business."

I can corroborate that Marissa Tomei is a psycho hosebeast. I worked at a Theatre Festival many years ago and she terrorized everyone. From shaking an apprentice (what we called interns) violently until her own security team stepped in, to HAVING a security team at a small but influential festival that had bigger

I completely echoed your worry right down to her hair (which was her choice mom and dad GAWD!). But because of the strength of the rest of the show I held off and was rewarded. Nobody is exactly who they seem on this show. It's more refreshing than a lemonade slushie at Disneyland it is.

You jinxed it!!!!! If that wasn't a Red Wedding type throat slit after midnight I don't know what is.

I may be in the minority but getting an IUD was one of the worst mistakes of my life. My closest friends raved to me about it (even with the pain and blood disclaimer). Little did I know my body would completely reject the IUD causing a lime sized cyst to grow on my right ovary. Fuck Paragard. Now my partner and I are