
I may be in the minority but getting an IUD was one of the worst mistakes of my life. My closest friends raved to me about it (even with the pain and blood disclaimer). Little did I know my body would completely reject the IUD causing a lime sized cyst to grow on my right ovary. Fuck Paragard. Now my partner and I are

Now playing

Pish Tosh, all that giggling. So uncouth. Kismet is way more refined.

What is Tennant doing and where can I see more????

That muffled sound you just heard is Harmony Korine just cumming in his penthouse.

Why it's Grunge and not Riot Grrrl is beyond me.

Am I the only one who reads it in a New England accent? Like some Boston dude is into wicked pron?


I'd second that. Thank goodness we all do complain and often. If I don't see familiar "faces" yelling into the void I'd just feel lonely.

Lena Dunham - throwing shade, again.

I would take that glittery fart directly in my face any day of the week. DIRECTLY.

As a fellow Jewess that is the funniest thing Lena Dunham has ever said. L'chaim.

I'm not sure what fuckery is going on. Because, I know Natasha (by a different last name) and either this is the most bizarre way to tell friends your pregnant or something's up. I hope she gets some money out of this though, either way. Man this is a bizarre way to start a morning!

Unicorn slut shaming is the worst slut shaming.

Damn it, beat me to it. Desire still valid!

Can I pet you?

I'm fatigued by all the times I've endured MacFarlane's name getting press for delivering the exact same product he has spent a career creating.

Jared tweets like it hurts to comment on things.

Don't worry, the worst poet will go up with the planet.

Meet me at the pub, we're going to need a lot of beer.