I'm still nit-pickingly sad that CATWOMAN did not own a single cat. IT COULD HAVE JUST BEEN IN THE BACKGROUND! Nothing that needed dwelling on...sigh.
I'm still nit-pickingly sad that CATWOMAN did not own a single cat. IT COULD HAVE JUST BEEN IN THE BACKGROUND! Nothing that needed dwelling on...sigh.
We don't know and may never know what actually happened (just like The Life of Pi but with willies!) but I side with your opinion - with a lot of trepidation. Having a "daddy" or "mommy" relationship is nothing new and can be beneficial for both parties. But not everyone goes into these relationships with the…
Season 6 was one of the best season's of Buffy! My eyes and veins are doing the blacked out scary thing at the assertion that 5 was better in any way!
I may be delirious from turkey preparation mixed with reading Game of Thrones but I swore that read, "Lilo wears a gold Crown with keyhole cutouts". I demand that happen when she loses the last tether.
Thank the trampy stump mutant in all of our hearts that you finally posted a review. I swear it felt like the Ring not being able to commiserate about these two episodes. I thought Pt1 was fine but Pt2 was really something else altogether. I thought all the director's choices, particularly the video (?) shift in Anne…
I don't want to make you uncomfortable but thinking about an FF6 or Chrono TV show just made me nerdgasm. What a phenomenal idea.
Unrelated but I miss Vanessa Bayer in sketches. I feel like she was muscled out. Also I keep waiting for the new dude to do something to justify him being cast. Are the holding onto whatever he does for sweeps?
Thank you for sending me somewhere that finally explains his appeal.
Eh, suit yourself. I know what I saw. If George wanna take a guy home with him tonight it's none of our business.
He's Bi historically but gay more actively. And I have the eyeballs from Lake Como to verify. That is, if you count the word of a disembodied commenter on a Gawker site. Which you should.
Looks like he went, "Balls In".
Scar Jo there are better, non-permanent ways to get an endorsement from Lucky Jeans.
I've wanted Hills to be president since Elementary school where, based on nothing but my liberal parentage and a strong young feminist streak I decided she was running the show and not Bill. Shady dealings the Clintons have been involved with aside (because name me a politician you don't have to do that) I still love…
Thank you for the heads up on the series. I now clearly have to watch all of them. When Vice is good it's very good.
As far as Weiner is concerned, he's been sent to a glory hole in upstate NY...but no, nothing official.
Conservative Female Lawyer and Sometime Pin-Up TV Writer...can we please fight crime?
Wow what an ass! Good for you to take this into your own hands in a positive way! I'm so glad you had sane and supportive folk around you. I hope the next person your with deserves your brand of awesome.
Hell yeah. Well done. As someone who owes her life to that organization I salute you.