
Yeeech, thinking about more Todd Akins in the world feels like someone walked over my grave, did a backspring round off and then stuck the landing where my reproductive organs used to belabor my macabre metaphor haha. Must be Halloween soon I guess :)

It's an equal exchange of pussy in my binder. Aka BEST. BINDER. EVER.

Dialogue is paramount. I'm neither a parent or a formal educator but in my own way I'd like to think I'm helping positive sexual outlooks. I think we owe it to young men to explain the discrepancy in power that some in their ranks exploit. Of course that's hard to do when politicians and blowhards (not mutually

Amen to that. But you know, it's ok to seek validation sometimes. Like I told another commenter, human beings are constantly seeking approval from the people around them. From bosses, your parents, lovers etc. As long as it doesn't become your obsession it's perfectly fine. By having a culture of body shaming and


...or every country...and any time...ever. People need validation. You want it from your boss, your parents and from sexual partners. Many but not every teenager is obsessed with how they appear to their peers. I'd be shocked if you sir or madam did not feel this at some point. Jersey Shore and 16 and Pregnant are

Full disclosure: I've done a lot of pin-up work so my perspective is from someone who not only willingly puts her body out there for public consumption but gets paid to do so.

Thank the ever loving ladybits somebody else said this.

Sasha and Malia got a dog. BOOM! Promise granted.

Seconded, very impressive.

Aw man! Gaga stole my Lana del Rey costume! More like costumeleaksifyouknowhatImean.

"Bet you wish there was a Dislike button now!"

Really, it's all come down to this.

21 years after 15-year-old Charlize Theron saw her mother shoot and kill her drunk, abusive father a man named Barry Newland, was tortured and murdered by five burglars...and an evil was born. Coming in 2013 - South Afrikill.

For a nominal fee.

Your ire is breathtaking. I wish to paint you, badly.

I hadn't heard that, do you have a source? Sounds like a nice gesture to me.

Actually I have a very good handle on what, "outsider art" is. How does she not qualify? If she was bussed in from the home (a stage for many said artists) instead of someone who had been doing bits and pieces of the work for years would that make it any more so? And there will be a very quantifiable (non internet)

That woman did not intentionally botch the job and I think calling her an asshole is a little much. Incompetent, fine. The argument can be made. But in terms of value, it just went up.

That old lady was Pussy Riot before Pussy Riot.