
Sincerely not trolling just someone with an unpopular opinion, apparently. You've gone a wee far don't you think to compare this to one of the greatest tragedies on American soil? A wee melodramatic and not at all comparable. Surely it wasn't her intention to be one of the greatest outsider artists of this era (now

Honestly, when people were giving that old lady shit for the chutzpah to ask for money I was all for it. She's bringing in an obscene amount of tourist dollars from all this exposure. It's only fair, short of a parade, to compensate her.

GIRLS! Now in Color!

I was just coming on here to post this. What an incredible woman.

Oh, well in that case I'm sure dragons have not been born to a silver haired, flame retardent lady on an arid continent. Close call.


Check AP, have there been any babes giving birth to dragons of late?

That phenomenal moment where I find out Anna is probably a valley area jewess and maybe went to Ramah (Alonim over here).

Really? I've learned that the learning was in my heart the whole time.

This was not her first restoration work for them. She had previously been in charge of just refurbishing Jesus' clothing. It wasn't just a strange lady with a paint kit. I'm not arguing that this was anyone's intention, but this will make that city a fortune.

Despite her ineptitude, she just gave Borja millions in tourist dollars for her work, I think she should be compensated.

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, do not want.

That boat sailed after the first comment system change.

I will never grow up never grow up never grow up...not me.

Thank you for an intelligent and thoughtful response to this tripe. I seriously considered just writing, "Oh for the fuck of shit this article, booooooooooo". Between implicitly blaming Katy Perry's positive body image for the collective self-revulsion of others at a pool party (what, did she take a poll?) to saying

I worry that this will seem like a "Mean Girl" smackdown but I second your emotion. Second. There's snark and then there's agressive contempt. It's exceedingly hard to read. When Lindy (or someone) edits I think she's very funny. But it's a bummer to skip the afternoon DirtBag because of a thousand KTHANXBYE type

Do you remember the blind by any chance?

Oh man, the internet has to provide this somehow! I stopped watching after (I think) the Las Vegas cast when the casting skewed towards the conventionally hot who have the biggest likelihood of hooking up in the hot tub. Not that I begrudge anyone that, it just stopped being interesting.

I fear for anyone under Dr. Mindy's care.

You liking the show is entirely dependent on if you love Mindy and/or if you thought Ally McBeal wasn't insufferable. Sadly, the former wasn't enough for me and the latter made me nauseated. That said...maybe it gets better from the pilot?