
I'm sorry to tell you ladies but the cut I saw of the Mindy Project was absolutely obnoxious. It was like Ally McBeal in a gyno office hopped up on the cutes. I sincerely hope the show grows from the pilot because as it stands it's pretty rough.

Mazel Tov! I've seen you on here for years but am in and out more and more these days and didn't hear the happy news. La Petit Comte is certainly dressed for the day.

The, "Why so serious" tagline is much more apt for Rises. Holy self importance Batman. Lighten up. Wait, where did he go? I swore he was in this movie.

He has the personality of paste. The best thing I can say is he wasn't the worst part of Snow White and the Huntsman. That would be the writers. Boo.

What better place than here to ask. Has Joss ever given credit to Blade Runner or Cowboy Bebop in the inception of Firefly? I love them all in their own respective takes on a similar subject matter but being such a Bebop fan I've always wondered.

As far as DirtBags go these days, I'm on Team Anna. Clever without punching you in the face with the clever. Well done.

Ohhh, the dwarves were there for comic relief. I missed that part.

I am gobsmacked. Smacked in the gol' darn gob that there is a never ceasing hate flood for this movie. I literally came here so I could happily gab about, "that was so cool! did you see when it...and then cool!" (and I wasn't even, nor am I currently, high). Yes, giant plotholes you could build an ouroboros

Alternate title for "The Towel" ='s "The Double Old Fashioned" or what I like to call "Thursday".

You're a troll and you should feel bad for trolling.

This can be said for a lot of Jezebel headlines but I actually think this one was purely a statement of facts devoid of overt judgements. He is a registered sex offender and he does work with children. I don't think they're hedging their opinion based on these two facts.

There's something about this roomful of talented, clever men using their hands to make an instrument sing that got me all hot and bothered. I subscribe. I subscribe so hard.


Someone reminded me on facebook that Lane called him a slimy little pimp. Apt. APT!

Chekov's rule of open elevator shafts ;)

Another thought: When Peggy is at the elevator (right before her bad ass Kinks exeunt) I'm fairly certain the other shaft opened before the one in front of her. The one that opens on an empty shaft of certain death. Did I just imagine that?

Here's the question: Would Joan have gone through with it if Don had not fed the pigeons in central park before eventually getting to her apartment? Or was this an empty gesture for an already resigned fate she tried to make the most out of? DISCUSS!

And SCIENCE (science science science) MARCHES (marches marches marches) ON (on on on)!

It seemed that way to me, odd that he was put there in the first place.