Is Samberg actually playing the piano?
Is Samberg actually playing the piano?
Ah, yes. I've achieved success off and on through this diet for years. It's the, "I don't have money for food and I'm sick of Raman right now so I'll just go to sleep until I'm hungry in the morning" diet. Not a catchy title I'll admit but I'll be damned if it hasn't been effective.
Holy crap I totally forgot about that lyric! I always found it really beautiful and sensitive not knowing just how sincere the declaration was. I'm in awe of Laura now and the punk rock community for embracing her decision.
Ben Affleck director has a way more impressive batting average than Ben Affleck actor...I wish he realized this and stopped shoehorning himself in. But I can't hate on him, I think most in his position would.
I personally hated A History of Violence but Road to Perdition seems deserving of more love just about everywhere.
It certainly would liven up the next Meryl Streep joint.
Bless you for liking Tank Girl. That sentiment usually warrants a paddlin' around these parts.
Heaping load of WORD.
I would argue that THAT'S why it IS the best comic book movie but I can certainly see your point. I would take well rounded films like The Dark Knight over the panel for panel filmmaking seen in Watchmen as long as the heart and soul are reflected in the final product. That (and casting) ruined Watchmen for me, it…
None of the X-men films, as films, would make my list. There are moments in X2 and First Class I definitely enjoyed but were overall huge disappointments. I will never forgive the Jubilee-ing of Rogue NEVER!
I feel like I may have read the Peggy/Joan then immediate Megan/Peggy conversations differently and was hoping it would be touched on in the recap. Anyone else come up with this read?:
Granted I'm not desirable but there is no shortage of SAG actresses to leap at that kind of role. And if they wanted to get an unknown (which happens all the time) they just do something called a Taft Hartley which essentialy bibbity-bobbity-boops you into the union and the production pays for it.
What a fantastic callback. Thank you for reminding me of that!
I'd buy that considering they mentioned the malfunction the previous year but I'm surprised it wasn't something more explained. I wasn't expecting "hellmouth" exactly, but it seemed like they were implying something greater. Didn't hinder my enjoyment whatsoever just a nagging curiosity.
Apologies if this is downthread. Did they ever explain why all the sacrifices worldwide were malfunctioning? I kept waiting for an explanation from "upstairs" but I'm pretty sure it never came. Or did it? I was to hopped up on holyshitawesome to know for sure.
Try not to trip on me then comrade! Enjoy the show.
In all my years of Jezebel i've never been more offended by an item in Dirt Bag. You shut your clever mouth about Jarvis, Pulp and the end of night drunk's anthem that is Common People. I'm seeing them in San Francisco Tuesday and if they play it I will do my best Alex Mack impression and become a puddle of my former…
Excuse me, one sec, I'm going to go put on Weezer's Pinkerton to get the mood right. OK, engage generalizations!
Latrice is such a dignified queen. If anyone actually deserves a bullshit, "we're bringing back a queen" episode it's her and it's now.
All it needs is Raja, Jujube, Nina Flowers and Pandora Boxx and you've got the true Rupaul's Allstars in one tumblr. Though if he wants to go ahead and make Phi Phi the parrot from Aladdin I'm for it.