
Agree, vibrators totally got the shaft in this competition.

Aaaand this is why reading is fundamental. You got here first!

Now playing

Every time I scroll by this post, this pops into my head.

I'm voting doggy style out of spite even though I suppose I enjoy it and the various programming I could be watching with my partner.

If anything but oral wins I resign. From what? That's part of the threat - you don't know! Why take the risk? Oral is for all sexual inclinations. It's a mind blowing bipartisan candidate. Vote smart and vote often.

Your username made my life. Amazingness.

I don't blame the queens for being all over the place for such a tonally strange challenge, though they should know by now that commitment usually guarantees safety. For instance, Phi Phi is committed to sucking the humor out of the room and she was fine. Ru should have given a bit more direction for the challenge in

I think it's Tammy Faye but hide your uppers, downers and candy corns that is a great picture of him.

Everybody gets one.

Lord knows Joan wasn't doing that before.

So far I have yet to see a review that understood the, "cleaning in her lingerie" scene. To me it was very clearly a sub/dom game that either they've played to some degree or one that Meagan sussed out by actually being in tune with what Don wants (which was sadly not the party though I think he liked the song more

Ah, well done Academy for ensuring the Oscars are safe from entertainment value yet again. ::golf clap::

Thank you, thank you so hard.

I need to know where in Studio City he goes line dancing RIGHT NOW!

I hope that the reason he isn't on "All Stars" is that he had something more awesome (that everyone gets to see) going on. Also because the entire show was made so that Mondo could have his vengeance.

Aw, but I loved the HP Lovecraft challenge on Project Runway!

"She's serving up filet of sole"

I guess I see the move as less a punishment and more as a preventative measure.

Personally, I like that so many comedy/performances are getting their due. That's rare. When you think of the big O you think of tragedy and recently lots of the ultraviolence. However the list is the most comedic thing of all. There are some schlocktastic things on there.

He may not be able to look at porn but I bet he can go rent the next Grand Theft Auto when it comes out without incident. The whole restriction is absurd and insulting to men. Porn is not a trigger for sexual violence against women much like GTA or Mortal Kombat back in the day aren't triggers for prostitute beatings